Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report


This is fraud on a MAJOR scale did not like the product. Would not have bought.insttructed bank not to pay and am sending back product with strongly worded letter. To send products not requested is morally wrong. This is not a company to deal with

Company: Evening Sky, LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lutz
ZIP: 33558-4839
Address: 18015 Sant Angelo Dr
Phone: 8559373871
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Does not print reviews about product containing negative information Internet

Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report

Home Depot
Don't rely on HD product reviews - they don't accept critical reviews

Unethical, dishonest, deceptive, rip-off

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Product reviews - product review site

Mobile Riot Gear, www.MobileRiotGear.com
Fake, wrong, and misleading descriptions. No respond to contact. Pure Scam

First National Benefits
Ripoff, deceptive, Liars

Ripoff Internet

Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report