Consumer Report


I'm pregnant with my 2nd child, so I wanted an Ergo infant insert to go along with my REAL Ergo carrier & backpack. I Google searched Ergo baby NZ & it was one of the first sites that came up, which is www.ergobabysnz.com. I wished I did more research, but I have been so busy getting ready for a new baby and taking care of my first born. I now am really angry that people would sell fake baby products that could endanger the life of a child. This is a lesson learned, and I can only hope that I can recover the money lost. It's such a shame that my country (USA) and others have made China one of the richest in the world, yet they feel the need to rip off people. What goes around comes around.

Company: 95ePay.com
Country: USA
Site: 95epay.com
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Teng Qi Shahghai Limited Freight
Consumer Report

ErgoBabyCarrier Ergo.com
Consumer Report

Ergo Pedic Sleep Systems
Ebay seller selling counterfeit mattress on ebay, with mattress tags torn off!

Felicia Cline
Pat Cline Scammer Baby Items Facebook

YoursPay.com (Jinfu Trading Co Ltd)
Consumer Report

Tiffany Mosley
Ripoff, took me through hell with my kid, and reported me to the friend of the courts to pay child support when i was taking care of my baby

Baby Gender Mentor - Acu-Gen Bio Lab
Ripoff misleading conflicting unprofessional

Baby Registry Complaint - Baby Resgistry

Baby Proofers Plus Inc
Baby Proofers Plus Review - Child safety

Razzalina Vaughan
GAYLE VAUGHAN "VARCARO" Copyright violations, fake accounts, fake husband, fake children, fake homes