Wipe new
Www.wipenew.com deceptive web site, excessive shipping, sample size product, aggressive web based deception


After seeing numerous ads for the car detailing product "Wipe New" with it's advertised claim of completely restoring plastic automotive finishes, I visited their web site to review the product, and avoid the telemarketing sales people.

As an educated consumer, I had already searched the web for comments & reviews of the product. What I didn't immediately realize is they had already flooded the Net with Proxy sites giving glowing reviews of the scam—obviously generated by the same firm.

Despite your best efforts, you'll get hit with an extra shipping charge for the miniscule sample size (3OZ), partially filled bottle of who-knows-what, and a "detailing kit" that has a retail value of less than a dollar. This is a terrible value, a virtual theft. Steer clear!

Company: Wipe new
Country: USA
Site: wipenew.com
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Consumer Report

Wipe New
Scumers, I ordered biger bottles and got 3 OZ. I paid shipping and handling $31.96. Shipping is 7.99$

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Beach Ready, LLC
Consumer Report

Wipe New
SCAM - misrepresentation of price and content. Changing their offer w/out notification

Wipe New
Avanto Corp, Wipe New Bullies and privacy violators deceptive marketing practices

Wipe New
I ordered wipe new with a promise that they would double the size for additional handling and processing. I returned them and only got 1/2 of the money back

Wipe New
Deceitful advertising

Consumer Report