Consumer Report


There was a offer on XM radio for strovex, where I call for the free supplie of their product. The ask me to pay for shipping only 12.95 for the free bottle of strovex 60 pils. After a week my credit card was carge 25.95 plus 89.99 twice, I call them and they said product was aready shipped from different location and they say there is noting to do or not even a refund...

Company: Strovex
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19808
Address: 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 120
Phone: 8006649130
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Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report

Retoxor Strovex
Consumer Report