Hicend International Trading Group
Consumer Report


Thought I was trading in options. Tried to transfer some money back to AUS but it never arrived. Now the website is down and they are not contactable by email or phone. Previously they contacted me on a regular basis when ever I had an issue. They come across as very professional.

Company: Hicend International Trading Group
Country: USA
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HTG International - Hicend International Trading Group
Consumer Report

HTG International - Hicend International Trading Group
Consumer Report

HTG-International-Hicend International Trading Group
Consumer Report

Fortis Global Solutions International
Consumer Report

HTG International
Consumer Report

EzTrader and TraderXP
Never Try to play in Binary Options

HTG International
Consumer Report

Lexington Trading
Lexington Clearing Firm, Wellington Trading Group, Wellington Asset Management, International Trading Group, Trading ITG, ButtonwoodLLC, Investment options, SCAM, not licensed to trade, no office in panama, telemarket from Costa Rica San Jose

Unstable Platform

Shanghai Yu Zhi Li Trading Co. Ltd
Consumer Report