Consumer Report


Qresolve.com is a computer & repair service based in India. The promise and guarantee that they will resolve any and all computer issues for a flat rate fee. This is all a lie! I called them to fix a few minor problems and they took control of my windows PC via "logmein123.com" for remote access. The tech told me that he would fix all of my concerns and call me when he is done and assured me he would fix all issues and I could go about my business.

When he called back and he said he was done, he disconnected the online chat.instantly I got back to work on my PC but find to my frightening conclusion that this tech damaged my PC more than one could possibly fathom. I tried calling back about 10 times during the day and spoke with many other people there. Each time, they asked me to hold on while they did research. I asked if they knew what they were doing. No answer.

I think they were trying to out wait me as the last time when I asked for a supervisor I was placed on a 40 minute hold. There was one other tech who allegedly tried for about 30 seconds but could not go any further.

I did some research on this company who appears to have an address in Florida under the same name with the same trade. The address is 441 Centerwood Drive in Tarpon Springs Florida. I also found qresolve under the name of Quatro Global Private Limited in India. They literally deleted files and drives and afraid they did that to mask stealing personal information and committing identity theft. I had no internet when they were done and had my local cable company come to check it out. They could not find what qresolve did and was as frustrated as me.

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Company: QResolve
Country: USA
City: Gurgaon
ZIP: 122015
Address: 267, Udyog Vihar Phase-II
Phone: 911244561077
Site: qresolve.com
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Based in India, qresolve ripped me off and corrupted my computer. They are con artists!

QResolve 1-888-977-3765
Consumer Report

Eight harrowing hours of uncomprehendable telephone "assistance", left by agent with no internet at all

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

QRESOLVE Had to fight them to release my computer back to me

Consumer Report