Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report


I recieved a letter saying that I was identified to funds awarded for $2,342, 000.00. I had a gut feeling that this was to good too be true. So I knew that I had to go on line to research this. Well needless to say here I am. Shame on you people for scamming people for taking there hard earned money. You will be caught, you will be fined, and sued by the people who gave you there money, and personal info. Pretty sure you will be imprisoned for all the laws you broke, one big NO, NO was using the "FEDERAL POST OFFICE" to solicit, and acquiring funds payable to you, that was not yours. I hpe your greed was worth this trouble. Next time you need money do what the rest of us HARD WORKING PEOPLE DO TO GET MONEY, GET A JOB.

Company: Financial Acquisition Agency
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
ZIP: 33152-7800
Address: P.O Box 527800
Phone: 3055917150
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Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Adquisition Agency
Consumer Report

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report