Smart Start Interlock
Smartstart interlock horrible customer service, malfunctioning devices, car towed


Do not buy your interlock device from smart start inc.
Do not buy your interlock device from smart start inc.
Do not buy your interlock device from smart start inc.
Do not buy your interlock device from smart start inc.
Do not buy your interlock device from smart start inc.

For those of you who have gotten a dui or know someone who has gotten one and now needs to have an interlock device installed into your car:

"do not buy your interlock device from smart start inc."

This company "SMART START INC." has been nothing short of an absolutely NIGHTMARE to deal with. I am currently getting my car TOWED because of my malfunctioning interlock. They are the cheapest interlock device company for a reason - and that is because they SUCK and DO NOT help their customers.

In January I made a stupid mistake of driving home after I had a few drinks and got a DUI. It has been a very crappy experience, but one that I have handled pretty well with determination and faith.

The most stressful thing out of the whole ordeal has without a doubt, unequivicolly, the interlock device that I have had installed in my car for the past 6 months. I was supposed to have it removed on the 7th (which was yesterday), but it has been a nightmare trying to do that. Heres my experience trying to have it removed:

1. Spoke with SmartStart on October 28 (nearing my end date on November 4th). I called them asking if I have to do anything, call anyone, go anywhere, etc. Before I plan to have it removed. They put me on hold and reviewed some stuff on my account and the man replied by saying very short and quickly - "Go in to your auto normal body shop where you get your recallobrations on November 7th to have it removed and you will be good to go".

Keep in mind that my lockout date is on the 5th of each month (if I don't take my car into the bodyshop on this date each month then my car will be put in a "lockout" mode and I won't be able to start my car). So I didn't go in to get my interlock recallobrated because I was told I could just go have it removed on the 7th.

2. November 7: My car is locked out at 3:30P.M. After I get off from work. My car will not start. I call SmartStart, they provide me with a lockout code. They then tell me "well you're actually NOT good to go get your interlock device removed." I said WHAT! I was told that I was! She said "Oh no - You're supposed to get court permission from your courthouse and then bring it to the autobody shop for clearance." I WAS NEVER TOLD THIS BY fact I was told that I was completely all good to have it removed.

I am now told to park my car at home or else my car could possibly be locked out and I will be stranded on the side of the road. I go home and call SmartStart and a man tells me "Go ahead and call tomorrow (nov. 8) in the morning to get a lockout code so that you can make it to the courthouse, grab your paperwork, go to the autobody shop and have your interlock device removed."

3. November 8:8: 00 A.M., all ready to leave my house and go to the courthouse to get my paperwork stating that I am okay to have my interlock removed. My car will not start because I am in lockout mode. I call SmartStart, NOBODY WILL ANSWER their corporate office line for about 50 minutes. I am sitting in my car calling, calling, calling, calling. No answer until 8:50ish. Anyone that I get ahold of transfers me to voicemail, or an automated system. I'm tellin you, the customer service or common sense among these SmartStart employees is the WORST I HAVE EVER SEEN. I am not kidding or exaggerating. Finally at about 9:25A.M. I am able to get ahold of the guy that I spoke with on November 7th, the day before, about being able to get a lockout code. He told me - "Well you're going to have to get your car towed because we don't give out 2ND lockout codes. Since you used a lockout code the day before - you cannot get another one today."

I cannot make it to my appointment with the body shop at 10:00am.
I cannot drive myself to the courthouse to get my paperwork for my removal.
I cannot make it into work.
I cannot make it to school tonight

AND I have to pay hundreds of dollars to have my car towed! HOPEFULLY my car doesn't get broken into when I have to leave it at the body shop overnight, because they cannot work on my car now that I have missed my appointment OR UNTIL I get my court paperwork. So my car will just be sitting at this body shop until I can find a ride to the court house.

WHAT I JUST DESCRIBED IS ONLY A FRACTION OF THE TROUBLES I HAVE DEALT WITH WITH THIS COMPANY AND THIS DEVICE. I have gone through TWO INTERLOCKS, I have had to get it replaced 3 times due to the device malfunctioning. Each time I get out of my car, I unplug my device and bring it inside wherever I am at so that the heat or cold doesn't affect it from it sitting inside of my car. I take good care of it and try to keep it in as good of a condition as possible but YET it ALWAYS MALFUNCTIONS.

New customers have this misconception that all you will have to do is simply "blow" into the device and it will read your breath just like that.

NOPE!!! Not the case!!! I have had heart and chest pains because of this device due to having to BLOW REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, HARD and having to "HUM" loudly at the same time in order to get an accurate reading so that I can start my CAR AND GO TO WORK so that I CAN PAY THIS COMPANY EACH MONTH!!! I am not kidding! I have seen a doctor because my chest hurts and I feel a lot of pressure inside my chest because you have to blow all of the air in your body into this device in order for it to work properly. IT IS HORRIBLE!!!

I really honestly do not know HOW this company stays in business. It is SO WORTH it to go with a more expensive company for the sake of your health and sanity.

For those of you who have gotten a dui or know someone who has gotten one and now needs to have an interlock device installed into your car:

DO NOT & I REPEAT & DO NOT get your interlock device from this company "SMART START INC."

I would love nothing more than to have this place put out of company. The way that they treat their customers is HORRIBLE. All of the employees tell me 10 different things which ultimately all end up clashing with eachother and then leaves me SCREWED!!! They don't give 2 craps about their customers, all they care about is collecting their money and callin it a day. No customer service qualities whatsoever!!!

Company: Smart Start Interlock
Country: USA
Phone: 8888803394
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