Alex Bartonek
Aka Dadscomputers Aka Dick_goesinya Retalitory persecution of Ebay Seller! RIPOFF Harasses with no end in sight!


In Sept I sold Alex Bartonek who lives at 6407 Gray Ridge, San Antonio, TX an old computer online via Ebay for $67.68 and $20.50 for shipping. Making the total with shipping $88.18.

I started having problems with him becoming belligerent soon after and found out that he did not abide by the terms of the contract, and I offered him a refund because his payment was several days late.

It clearly states on my auction that payment must be there in 10 days or it will be relisted.

I was able to speed up refund processing and was on my way to the post office to send his refund registered mail-requiring a signature to prove that the refund was received.

But, first, I contacted Ebay about sending this person a refund due to the terms
of the contract not being met and they suggested Square Trade, which is an online mediation service.

Square Trade was to help me explain to Mr. Bartonek that he was due a refund.

I then contacted, Square Trade, to help go through the refund process, which takes about 14 days for us to process refunds on this end, as I said earlier, I
was able to speed up refund processing for him, due to his vindictive and retalitory attitude to not abiding by contract terms.

Since, I offered him a refund. He has continuously been contacting me with harassing email. I ask that he stops. He keeps on going and Im called many names.

He sends email from the same email using a different name-this name is dick_goesinya [dick goes in ya]. I find this derogatory. I asked that he not contact me again and resolve the matter via Square Trade, yet he continues to contact me outside of the Square Trade mediation service.

He then slaps a retalitory complaint with Square Trade against me.

He claims he doesn't have my number and my ebay number is
fake. I recently checked my information and everything is current.

I have been concerned about answering my phone, for he has not only sent me email, but has contacted other people that I have sold to recently and now they are asking me for more personal information.

And now has made a website with all my personal info.

You can look up the item I sold to Mr. Bartonek on Ebay Item #5125237963 using the name dadscomputers. He is using another name - dick_goesinya and asking me questions on this item #5928325258.

On item number #5928325258- at the bottom, you can see when he asked me a question, I told him I knew who he was.

How do I know they are the same person? Well, again, he sent the question to me as dick_goesinya from&and this was send from an email bearing his own name.

Alex Bartonek has ebay names - dadscomputers &
dick_goesinya. Who knows how many more he'll add.

I have kept every email he has sent.

He claims to have all of mine. I would assume they are altered, by now.

I say this.
1. If someone owes a refund, like myself in this case, go through Square Trade unless you use Paypal.

2. Even if you think everything will be alright with this person, Square Trade is a 3rd party that keeps records of messages sent between you and the buyer. This way nothing can be fooled around with or altered.

3. For added security, I should have used a PO box for your mailing address. I don't know who this guy knows around where I live. I am trying to live like evryone else and now this. There was a mistake in using my mailing address on ebay and possibly be in danger.

4. On 10/22/04, mediation began on Square Trade for this matter, yet there is a slanderous website about me bearing my personal info (this is why I suggested a PO box) and he wants to paint a picture that I am NOT wanting to pay him back.

Well, it's only the right thing to do to give a refund, but this situation may spill over into legal issues that will leave the refund issue in the dust.

I took it upon myself to read the laws in TX regarding these matters.

ALL THIS BECAUSE HE DIDNT ABIDE BY THE TERMS OF MY AUCTION. I am losing sales, customers and income. That's the major rip-off! I will uptdate as this unfolds.


Company: Alex Bartonek
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: 6407 Gray Ridge
  <     >  


Square Trade
Took my money, did not resolve situation at all, I lost money on ebay AND with Square Trade

Ebay - Square Trade
Scammed by Ebays Trade Sqaure, Ripoff emails originated from Square Trade Internet

Squre Trade, EBay
Only Sqare Trade can help me! Ripoff

Square Trade
Squaretrade Offering "Negative Feedback removal service" for $ 20 - helping liars to cheat people on ebay

Charles Locke - Square Trade
Fraud Collected money for an ebay auction, never sent item.internet

Jenn Azzone
Mortorcycle ripoff thru ebay square trade - western unoin transfers Bolzano italy

Square Trade
EBay Imply they will remove negative feedback and don't. EBay says not connected with them but they have to be! Ripoff


Robinson Micuic
Rip off internet fraud, item paid no delivery Internet

Square Trade
People using square trade and Western Union are there to rip you off