Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report


Sent for sample of their product it said pay shipping. They sent the product and a bill for 79.87.
Charged to my credit card. I am looking for a way to get my money back. I am complaining so other people dont get in the fix im in.

Company: Evening Sky, LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lutz
ZIP: 33558-4839
Address: 18015 Sant Angelo Dr
Phone: 8559373871
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Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report

Ivory White
Charged $156 to my credit card that was unauthorized

Free trial - false advertising

Acai Berry Breeze
Unauthorized charges

Fraudulant Charges

Consumer Report

Ultragreen Products
Sample product $5.95 for shipping, nothing about having to cancel in 14 days and no information about the price of the product that they then bill you for which is $69.99

Stages of Beauty
Beware of auto-delivery and Credit Card Charges - Stages of Beauty-free trial-money scam

Free Sample NOT Free!

Big lies free only pay shipping of 3.98 don't get ripped and taken hollywood flordia