Consumer Report


Was desparate to fimd a home business to help pay the bills. Found site Horizon Learning, LLC which was supposed to teach me to trade on eBay by selling drop shipped items to customers. Sounded good. They lied to me about my ability to learn this course which had 32 lessons. They told me my age didn't matter and that if I could spend 5 hours a week I coud learn the program. I was talked into signing a contract with only 3 days to back out and get money credited back to credit card. I did decide to ask for money back in the 3 day period but was again told that I coud do the program easily and I backed off and tried to learn it. Then I was contacted and told I needed to incorporate at $2800.00 cost plus $50 a month for Cpa work. Then contacted that in order to get the correct info needed to drop ship I needed to send $2000.00 more for this help. I tried hard for 30 days to see if I could learn the lessons but in one month only went through 3 lessons. It would have cost thousands more dolloars and taken me 10 or 12 hours a day to start this business. I had to drop out and again at two more separate times requested at least a patial refund be made.
They would not even answer my faxes.

Then contested with the credit card fraud department and they said nothing they coud do.

Contacted two lawers but they gave me the run around and were no help.

Again contacted a customer service person and asked for a refund and he politely told me no way. But I would be placed om HOLD and could come back for more help.

I think this company should be reported as a fraud and am trying to find out how to do it so others can be forwarned.

Am also looking into reporting them to the better business bureau and the texas Attorney General. I know I have lost a great deal of money that I can't affort to loose, but would like to somehow get the message out so others will not get scammed as I have

Company: HorizonLearningOnline.com
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
ZIP: 84107-3076
Address: 4455 S 700 E Ste 206
Phone: 8556718940
Site: horizonlearningonline.com
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Consumer Report

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