Consumer Report


This people went and charge my account this given amountof $47.00 without my autorization I have never requested any thing from this people and now I have to wait for the bank to sent me a form to fill out concerning this charges. Why should any one have to put up with this hassle because someone decided to steal money? That's how they want to live in their oceanfront homes by stealing from people this people should be prosecuted for their theft because that's what this is if any of us would do that we get prosecuted. The death penalty should be applied for thieves.

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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AP9 HomeWorksPlus - IK9 HomeworksPlus - classmates.com
Ripoff, Thieves

200 Cash
Unauthorized charges

Consumer Report

Specialty Merchandise Corporation
This company stole hundreds of dollars from my bank account

200 Cash
Unauthorized billing

Wellman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

200 Cash
They took 19.00 from my account and never contacted me as promised

Frontier Pharmacies
You are riping people off and will if I have anything to do with it be procesuted to the highest. Unknown missouri

OAN Services
Charges to phone bill. Unknown where they stole my information. I consider this identity theft

Wholesale Skateboard Distributor
Wholesale Skateboard distributor needs to be crimanally prosecuted Unknown