True Fax Solutions
Consumer Report


I checked my bank account and find a check charged for 39.99 which the money wasn"t there so my bank charge me for a overdrawn of 32.00 dollar. I don"t need to write 200 words to tell you are scamming people out of their money.

Company: True Fax Solutions
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19808
Address: 3422 Old Capital Trail, Suite 1711
Phone: 8779473701
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Dollar Frog
Consumer Report
I was overdrawn in my account and when I went to the bank to find out why, they told me that took 49.99 out of my account

Citizens Bank Pittsburgh
Charged me Over $191 in fees for a $15 Overdraft against held funds

EDP Reporting
Fraud Theft Ripoff Dishonest

Key Bank
Charging people too much to cash a check that I wrote

US Bank
Delayed posting of Overdraft Charges - To RIP YOU OFF!
Consumer Report

Sovereign Bank
Over draft rip off process

Bank Of America
B.O. A overdraft fees. They are theifs

E-Credit Solutions
Ripoff business from hell