True Fax Solutions
Consumer Report


In reviewing my mothers bank statement I found a counterfiet check for 39.99 charged to her account. My mother is a patient in a Nursing Home and has not had access to her accounts for over a year. This is not an authorized the signature line it states Auth on File. I am the power of attorney over her accounts so I have the authority to make this claim.

Company: True Fax Solutions
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19808
Address: 3422 Old Capital Trail, Suite 1711
Phone: 8779473701
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Sports Authority
Shopping review - Prices

Certegy Payment Recovery Services, Florida
Sumitted fraudlent check to our bank, stated pre-authorized when it was not, bank paid it. We objected

Jean Currie
County Commissioners Puts Sister-in-Law in Nursing Home then moves in oldest Son (who drops dead in Night Club Parking Lot) and gave business to Young Son

Scam charges!

BBU Interservices
Fraudulent Check with no Help From NV Attorney General

YR Benefits
Consumer Report

Advanced Document Institute
Advanced Documenting Institute Forged Check

Wachovia Bank
Took $50,000 and will not explain where the money is

Jamie, Supervisor, Seattle Office Fraud involving inter-state communications, unauthorized use of credit cards and access bank accounts fraudulantly on behalf and with the consent, encouragement and knowledge of Intelius, its officers

Chase Payment Protector Plan
Chase Credit Protector - Charged my accout without proper authorization ripoff