Lipo Slim
Consumer Report


This was the Dr. Oz endorsed weight management miracle. I thought why not worth a shot to go along with my workouts to see if it would make any differences. For a free trial of just $4.95 a piece why not right!? Wrong!? I was just charged a total of $159.79 for the just the free trial. I agree with all of the reviews, total scam. When you order the trial it does not stand out anywhere and say that you will be charged more if you don't call them in 14 days. On top of that I shouldn't have had to call because when they called me to verify the free trial they never said anything on the phone about it and I told them that I didn't want to be charged or order anything else and that I just wanted the free trail.

Further more... Today when you get on the same site to order, it takes you to Colothin which is what they sent me instead of natural cleanse and the liposlim free trial takes you to something completely different called Pure mango?!!

They were rude on the phone and wouldn't help me figure out a way to get refunded and tried to tell me I didn't even order natural cleanse. I said yea your right I ordered that but got colothin instead and you charged me $69.90 and are still trying to say that you didn't?!

Crazy! Please please don't order this!

Company: Lipo Slim
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Nature Cleanse, Natural Cleanse, Pure Nutrients
Scam scam scam, do not order new york
Natural Cleanse Free Trial from Time of Order, Delivered 7 days late

Feast Catering
Marcus Baird Paid in Full for Catering and they never even showed up to my event

Lipo Slim Online Nutrition Resources
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim
Consumer Report

Total Cleanse, AcaiBerry
Total Cleanse, Extreme AcaiBerry Did not authorize to send any more than free trial Internet
Money rip-off

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Beach Ready, Tri-Slim, ColoCure
Colocure, Colothin I was lied to, taken for a fool, and robbed