Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report


My checking account was debited $99.49 10/20 from this company, and then on 10/19 they took another $14.00 out of my account, I have never heard of this company.
Apparently from this site, it is a large scam getting rich off of everyone. Perhaps they would not be to happy, if we all came together and filed a lawsuit against them to get our money that they have wrongfully taken from us, and whatever damages that it has caused us at the bank to be taken care of. Everyone needs to be sure to let their banks know that you did not authorize this payment, nor do you authorize any future payments to this company in the future.

Company: Premier Membership Clubs
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
PMC ( unauthorized withdrawal from bank account

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report