Waka Network
Consumer Report


I spoke with a girlthat was very machanical in speech and she never answered like a normal person. That was my first clue. Then I said I would report them if I did not speak to a real person. A supervisor came on line but was not very convincing either... I cancelled transaction with her but not after I had already filled in information on their form that left me exposed. So I immediately called the bank to cancel my card!!! I also took a snapshot of both screens that I put my info on!

Company: Waka Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Net
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report