Paul Smith
Consumer Report


Received an email regarding a Craigslist posting for a Propane insert from

Do you still have it available? Best offer. And consider its sold to me

When replied, the email "" popped up in the "TO" column. "" responded when I offered to show the item with this email:


Thanks for the response. I am Paul Smith and am cool with the
price and conditions of the item. I would have been happy if we can
meet before making any plans, but I'm so busy with work and i have to
take a good care of Family..

Also, i am going to add $50 to the price for you to take down the
advert from Craigslist. I will need the following information to have
my Personal assistant issue out the payment to you as i am very busy
right now. Your Full name as it will be on the payment and your
Physical Address also your phone number will be needed for the payment
to be made. So I will have my shipper come to pick up the item as soon
as the payment has been made to you. So the payment for the Shiping
Fee will be included with the payment coming to you for the item, You
will just deduct yours and send the rest to the shipper so that they
can come over and have the item picked up on time and the payment will
be made inform of a Cashier's Check. Hope you can understand me
perfectly? I really appreciate you selling the item to me and please
kindly take the advert off Craigslist now and if you have additional
pictures of the item, kindly attached with your response so i will be
waiting to hear from you later today..


Paul Smith..

Company: Paul Smith
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Paul Smith
Consumer Report

Paul Brigages
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Paul Brigages
Consumer Report

Paul Brigages
Consumer Report

Paul Brigages
Consumer Report

Paul Brigages
Consumer Report

Paul Brigages
Consumer Report

Paul Brigages
Consumer Report