Consumer Report


My Cash Guardian obtained my account information and debited my account for the amount of $29.95.. I never applied to nor did i even know this company exixted until my account was debited this morning. I Want my funds returned to my account immediately and i dont want to have to wait 7-10 business days to receive it;they didnt take 7-10 business days to take my funds.

Country: USA
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My Cash Guardian
Unauthorized withdrawal from my checking account

MyCash Guardian
This company stole money from my account. I was on line with another company and this company decided to help themselves

Mcash guardian
They took $29.95 out of my account without my knowledge

Mycash Guardian
Illegally and fraudulently debited my checking account for $29.95 without my permission or knowledge

My Cash Guardian
I was applying for a payday loan on line and I noticed today that mycashguardian has debited my account $29.95 without my authourization I did not apply to this company directly

My Cash Guardian
Mycashguardian took unauthorized fund out of my account costing me $29.95 without me knowing it, i never gave them any authorization or permission to withdraw, they fraudulently took out funds
Mycashguardian took money from my account

My cash guardian
This company claims that I applied for a loan, but I didnt get the loan. This took place over a year ago but every once in a while they take 29.95 from my bank account, so far it has cost me $90.00
Consumer Report
Consumer Report