George Horowitz and Amy Ward Secret shopper assignment had me deposit check which ended up fraudelent and do 2 assignments so I ended up losing 1332.55 plus 956.00 dollars for doing this


All I thought I was doing was a secret shopper assignment. Trying to feed my kids and pay bills. Once I fido this I got a withdrawn account so many days later oweing the bank and with nothing or no one to help. This saddens me for us who are trying to do right in this difficult economy. I'm now left to pay back something I never even had.

Company: Arbitron
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Columbia
Address: 7 west Brentwood Dr
Phone: 12892009656
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George Horowitz, Amy Ward, rip-off artist

Arbitron - George Horowitz
Amy Ward, Ron Mesna Acceptance Letter (Secret Shopper)

Secret shopper-Frank Lewis-Pamela Reed-Steven Willis-Tina Jones etc
Consumer Report

Secret Shopper-John Fedus
Consumer Report

Secret Shoppe
Consumer Report

Secret Shopping, Inc
Andrew Palmer and Sonia Coleman Issue a check for $1989.36 and did not honor it with my bank after money was withdrawn to complete their assignments

Shelter Direct
Habitron, Inc Secret Shopper Scam

Brian Heather Secret Shoppe
Consumer Report

David Arche
Consumer Report

Lachance, Inc./ The Shopping Network / Secret Shopping Center
Presented false check