Consumer Health Discoveries / Consumer Lifestles
Consumer Report


There was a link to an article at the bottom of the health section on MSNBCs website. The name of the website is I clicked it and read through it and almost bought the product! I am glad I did some research first! It turns out that this article, with a lady claiming that the supplement she took really worked, was a total scam! I went back and clicked it again and sure enough the same success story was on there but for a different product! It was word for word the same! I cannot believe that such an obvious scam would be on MSNBCs site. It makes me sad for all of those that fell for it! Don't be one of them! Always research before you put in your info! Good luck out there!

Company: Consumer Health Discoveries / Consumer Lifestles
Country: USA
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Nathans Natural / Nuvoryn
Consumer Report

New Life Profits
Millenium Profits, eprofits scam
They scammed me for $129.95 twice and never refunded me

Home Income Profit Kit
Consumer Report

Consumer Report
Fastblogcareer Scam, can't even go back and look at the original website!

Chris Pellington
B. Cretaro, C. Kane, DI Doffing, J. Clementz, F. Drake, L. Mallard Pyramid letter exposed on ABC News

Garcinia Cambogia
Consumer Report used a Fox News website clone and alleged FN "researcher" to scam for Home Business System
I., too got taken for $120.- i called them and they referred me to their website where i was informed that any questions had to be submitted on their "contact form" which was nowhere to be found. They