I Have Been Scammed By A Woman From Nigeria That Claimed to Be US Ci
Consumer Report


Well this story begins in the end of April. I met this girl online on a sex dating site, and although i was just looking for short tem dating, she appeared and told be she wanted a lifetime relationship and a lover, and basically the same theme as most girls talk about online. WANTING AN HONEST caring man that will love them and treat them right and care for them you know the drill its almost like a resume` anyway i fell to her trap! I was lonely and my wife and i wasnt intimate anymore we was like siblings then husband and wife, but i told Cathy i was only interested in playing house not making house, and she said that was fine as long as she was the only one i was playing with, well i took to her and her words like a poodle dog, and i didnt even know how! About 3 days after i met her she emailed me in great panic that she had been pick-pocketed all her cash so i emailed her back if she had gone to the USembassy, she told me she did but nthey wouldnt help her! She was suppoedly a US citizen from N.Y. And she had an antique business in N.Y. An her reason for being in Nigeria was to purchase some rare artifacts to have in her shop! So shetold me she needed 200.00 sent to her so she could make her hotel bill! About that time there was scam warnings and i told her i was concerned and she told me shewas hearing the same stuff and i sent it! This girl was so believable i`d never experienced this before and all i wanted to do is get her home! She sent me this shipping order for the stuff she purchased and it was like 50,000.00 in merchandise she was supposed to have purchased anyway she was telling me if i would send her another 450.00 she would send me apersonal check for 5,000.00 and all i needed to do is deposit the check in my account andonce the check clears the deposit I could keep out what i sent her and send the rest so she can fly home when she told me this it sounded innocent and for real! Well that was just the tip of the iceburg fo me over the next 11 monththis woman consumed me from borrowing money from my brother, after i had sent her 1000.00 to go to Ghana to send this check aonly to be robbed on the highway from a taxi this was the most unlucky woman i ever met she was in the hospital for food poisoning the day before she was to tavel to Ghana to mail the 5000.00 check and now te money she was owing me back was almost for the check she had wrote! And i was getting fast cash loans that i had to roll over to keep my bills paid and my wife fund out about this liason and thatpretty much ended my marriage cause i was sending this woman money when i couldnt affoher medication and hospitalization or treatments do to this woman! So though all the fast cash loans and fees and interest that Western Union and loan sharks was buring me in Cathy Lisa Thomas accumulated at least 25000.00 cause i`mmstill rolling over those fast cash loans today because of her. The last time i heard from here was about 6 weeks ago she asked me how much she owed me! But the last time i give hr money was the 31st of March that was to purchase a plane ticket and believe me we argued more then once over money like how could she live in a hotel while i was laid up in the hospital from complications and nealy died myself from surgery in July! She excused herself that she had friends though littlesupport would give her food andsome money to buy things and help with hotel bills Inwould often ask her spefic questions to get specific answers and her answer would always be what dont you trust me after all we have gone throug together I love you and want you we have to make love I really need you and on and on and get me off the subject anyway that last money i sent here was 2000.00 plus WU fees about 2200.00 and then she disappeared anduld text her and email her for over a month no response! I kew I was done for so yes this woman sent me 1 picture of who she claimed to be and a copy of her passport that i also kept saved! She always asked me why i asked her questions that had nothinbg to do with her love for me and that the thing i needed to do is just trust her over and over i would hear that from her I dont want to hurt you i love you ECT. Well thats a year in a short story the pain is still in my hip pocket and that is a reminder to what these scammers do, they are so good and knowing the right card to play and i am shown just how stupid i am

Company: I Have Been Scammed By A Woman From Nigeria That Claimed to Be US Ci
Country: USA
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