Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report


I filled out the required info for a loan & when i read the bottom part of the form to complete it i didn't care for the requirements of what they where asking which was a $99.49 deduction from my account, before offering me the loan & since i hadn't totally completed the form i deleted all my info & i sent them a responses to take me off there e-mail list; but found that they without my consent deducted $99.49 9/10 from my account & not just once but twice on that same day but were rejected & in trying to do so; but the damage had already been done & it left me over drawn which i'm charged by my bank a $32.00 fee which is where i ask for the damages of $149.94, pmc is responsable for putting me in this position, i'm on social security & a set income & pmc left me in bad standing not only with my bank by my creditors as well; pain & suffering can't explain what this fraudulent company/site as done to my well being; now my concern is that when i get my next social security check will they try this again & since they got my $99.49 the first time where is this so called membership & why haven't i heard or gotten anything from them: it angers me that theses companys pop up & disrupts others lives as they do & when the are brought to justice the would have scamed millions if not more for unsuspecting people like myself that's just looking for some help doing theses hard times; it's so unfair will do my best to file legal action against them if i can find a lawyer that will take this case, so if any of you lawyers out there that's looking for a open & shut case plz contact me;

Company: Premier Membership Clubs
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
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Consumer Report

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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report