Continental Express Money Order Company inc
Consumer Report


This company wont stop payment on a 225.00 money order that i purchased a month ago and the recp. Has not recieved it. It took me 2 days of calling and when i talked to someone they told me that i have to wait 45 days pay 15.00 and thats if it isnt cashed, before they will refund my money. This is outrageous these people are crooks. I will never purchase another money order ever again and if you think sending a money order is safe, guess again. If you can read their extra small print it will tell you how screwed you really are if the money order is lost, stolen etc. They are crooks, just like the banks...

Company: Continental Express Money Order Company inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
ZIP: 92701
Address: 1108 E 17th Street
Phone: 7145690899, 7146676699
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Kept Money, Never got merchandise

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Consumer Report

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