Primere Membership
Consumer Report


This company I have no idea about has taken money from my hard owned account n withdrew money frm it I don't like if my money is not bk in the bank before five oclock I will sure to have my lawyer to bring your ass down from stealing frm innocent live.

Company: Primere Membership
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
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Membership Plus
Withdrew $21.95 from my bank account without any authorization. New York

British Finance
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clu
Consumer Report

Reward Me More Live
Charged me for something, I have never heard of this company before

American Financial
Withdrew $200 authorized we must all unite and make this company pay! This our hard earned $ they are taking from us we need a lawyer to help us and we can do this. Ripoff

Simple Escape
Ripoff - Withdrew $134.95 from my bank account unarthorized

Freedom Gold/tele-flex
Unlawfully withdrew from our account

Vesta boost mobile corp
They took money out of my checking acct on two occasions, i have never done any buisness with them. I have no idea how they got my debit card number

Easy Saver
Unlawfully and without my consent withdrew money out of my checking account via my check & cash card. I don't even know who they are & never authorized or even provided my bank card info & am very violated & need to know where they got this info from

American Leisure MD - EZ Saver
Unlawfully and without my consent withdrew money out of my checking account via my check & cash card. I don't even know who they are & never authorized or even provided my bank card info & am very violated & need to know where they got this info from