True Fax Solution
Consumer Report


39.99 was taken out of my checking account was never notified of this and dont know who they are and how they got my bank information i want my money put back we work hard for our money and for someone to just take it is wrong something needs to be done about this

Company: True Fax Solution
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19808
Address: 3422 Old Capital Trail, Suite 1711
Phone: 8779473701
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True Fax Solution
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Usa Credit
Charged my bank account $149.95 unauthorized now my account is overdrawn

Just For You Communications
Committed fraud stole check information and siphoned funds out of my checking account ripoff columbia

Usa Credit Web
They debited 149.95 out of my account without me authorizthing them to do so I have never heard of this company

1 Took $49.95 out of my account and I have never heard of the company. Much less given an permission for anyone to take my hard earned money out of my account.internet

Advantage America
Ripoff on 9/27/05 and 10/19/05 they take money from my checking account total $69.90

Vantage Funding
Consumer Report

Www/, Edpreporting, optonemc, sdc Prepaid Mastercard
Www/, Edrreporting, optonemc sdc Prepaid Mastercard, took $159.95 from my checking account, without my knowledge or permission. Ripoff

Grc Funding
Took money out of our account and never sent us paperwork and were never authourized to take money