Mass Street Group
Consumer Report


I was looking for a loan and I got approved for $150.00. I knew that amount wouldn't help me so I did not tell them I wanted the loan neither did I sign loan agreement for this loan. I did not even notice it had been put in my account until today after I talked to Main Street. What made me aware of what had happen was a unexplained charge of $45.00 being taken out of my account. When I called to find out what this charge was for they said I had taken out a loan. I never signed any thing with them, no kind of loan agreement or anything. They just took it upon themselfs to put the money in there with out any say from me at all. This should be against the law.

Thank you!

Company: Mass Street Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Cerritos
ZIP: 90703
Address: 18000 Studebaker Road, Suite 700
Phone: 8777814330
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