Vantage Funding
Consumer Report


Ight now as im typing this complaint, im on the phone on HOLD... For now over 15 min, when this lady with an accent tells me, wells lies to me, that my call with be handled by her supervisor in less than one min... I read soooo many complaints and i thank you all... This company is a fraud, and a bunch of thiefs. She tells me my money will be refunded, if i do not get my loan in 30 days. Over and over i explained do not want this loan... They have such a bad reputation. Please... Lets all, write the attorney general, in nevada about this company... They offered me a 100 dollar gas card... I asked them as easy as it was to take the 30 dollars, why is it so hard to give it back... Well our phone call ended like this, take the loan and if you dont get it in 30 days, we will then refund your money... Again he said very cocky well then take the 100 gas card... If i needed a gas card. I would have applied to a company that does that... I never authorized this company to take 2 cents from me, never heard of them... Anyway he ended our call by saying well since you dont want our loan, or gas card i'm termionanting this call... Well i guess i was robbed... And i know i will call attorney general in nevada the better business bureau... And anyone else it takes to have them shut down. I deserve more tan my 30 dollars, i feel i deserve the whole 100.. I'm out because they put my account in the negative... I hope all of us that was robbed by these thieves, and liars. Get reimbursed... Good luck to all. Ms. Flori

Company: Vantage Funding
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89146
Address: 2780 S Jones Blvd Ste 3675
Phone: 8882353097
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Vantage Funding
Consumer Report

Vantage Funding
Consumer Report

Vantage Funding
Consumer Report

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