Consumer Report


They Debited my account for magazine I didn't order In the amount of $37.00. I would like to have a refund of the full amount as soon as possible They Debited my account for magazine I didn't order In the amount of $37.00. I would like to have a refund of the full amount as soon as possible..

Company: 877-850-3217
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
ZIP: 06905-3000
Address: East Building, Suite 16
Phone: 8778503217
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Starcrest Of California
Ripoff fraud business my account would not be charged until order was shipped, account was immediately debited for the full amount!

NSS Magazine
Twx Magazine - Did Not Refund Full Amount

Indepenent Contractor's Service
I.C.S. Magazine scam. Used neighbors names implying that they had bought mags from him and that they referred him to me

The Administration
Consumer Report

New Sport Shop
Consumer Report

Suddenly An Amount Of 500 Is Been Debited To My Account. I Have Not
Consumer Report

Unauthorized charges

Ach withdrawals

500 Fast Cash
Debited my account for double the amount I borrowed after the loan was paid in full

Inappropriate billing