OSS Outsourcing, Laura Jackson
Consumer Report


I have been talking to these people for a few days. The fact that my initial contact took me to a Green Dot apllication for the purpose of "direct deposit" made me very suspicious. I did fill out the application, but did not include my bank info, which is needed for the "direct deposit" to occur. Yesterday I sent some questions to Ms. Jackson in regards to training hours. Of course she answered as soon as the questions were sent, even though she had stated it sometimes takes awhile to get back to people, because she was "very busy". Yesterday, I found this site and started reading about all the scams OSS has tried to date. I am sooooo glad this is here! Thank God for you people who have spoke out! I do not have any money to steal, but what I do have is like a fortune to me. Please be careful. Scammers have gone to a lot of trouble to appear legit. That's why they are so good at what they do, I guess.

Company: OSS Outsourcing, Laura Jackson
Country: USA
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Jackson Hewitt - ipower
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