Consumer Report


I ordered 2 sets of drivers and they charged me to much shipping charges, should have free shipping on one set not 2. On tv order it said free shipping with second set. Can you help with this? They are miss guiding their customers.

Company: Gpmhalftime
Country: USA
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Tell you 10.99 but really 24.97, no chance to review before charge

Magic Mesh™ Door Cove
Consumer Report

Magic Mesh™ Door Cove
Consumer Report

Half Time Drill
Consumer Report

Shipping Charges Ridiculous And Are A Scam
Consumer Report

MIRacle Blade LLC
They offered me a free set of knives with my order, then charged me shipping or this FREE item for $10.00

Miracle Blade 111
I ordered one set of knives and they sent me one free (as per their ad) they charged me for the free item's shipping!

Eggies As Seen on TV
Consumer Report

Offered FREE SHIPPING then charged me 6.00 for it! Then denied offering "FREE SHIPPING"!
Free shipping surcharge