Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report


I noticed that this company took 30 dollsrs out of my bank acct without me authorizing it i called them they said it was going out an it been over 30 days, i called the bank on the check no answer if the police/FBI are aware of this why arnt these peole being stop this is stealing and its going to cont because nothings being done

Company: Palm Loan Advances
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89146
Address: 2780 S. Jones Blvd
Phone: 8667893114
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Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
I looked at my bank statement and noticed a company called Palm Loan Advances took $30.00 out of my checking account using a check that I didn't authorize them to cash on my account

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report