Zenith chambers law firm
Consumer Report


I received an email stating I inherited 10million bucks. I emailed them and they emailed me back making it sound legit... Its crap. They used a story of an older widow with lung cancer. My father has lung cancer... And they also said god guided her to me and to make this decision... God told me I should make a complaint against these idiots..

Company: Zenith chambers law firm
Country: USA
City: Leeds, West Yorkshire
Address: 10 Park Square
Phone: 01132455438, 01132521047
Site: zenithchambers.co.uk
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Zenith Chambers Law Firm, London
Consumer Report

Zenith chambers law firm
Consumer Report

Zenith Chambers Law Firm, London
Consumer Report

Zenith Chambers Law Firm, London
Consumer Report

Zenith Chambers Law Firm, London
Consumer Report

Zenith Chambers Law Firm, London
Consumer Report

Zenith Chambers Law Firm, UK
Consumer Report

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Zenith Law Firm
Consumer Report

Zenith Chambers Law Firm, London
Consumer Report