Waka Network
Consumer Report


I was woken up by a computer server, with a real voice app. Trying to sound personal. They called at 8:35 in the morning. The initial prompt was "sign up for the $100 gas card/$10 Wallmart gift card/some $30 other 'free $'s' card. I questioned the computer who kept giving scripted answers, but it did give some accurate answers so I felt the line was being manned by someone.
As soon as I gave over my credit card info / for a minimal processing fee, of course, I was on my way to the site to print out my rewards/cancel the service, just as the sales pitch had guided me.
I get on the site and read through the 'Terms and Conditions' where it states that the gasoline discount is 'NOT' for the free weekly subscribers. The process to receive the discount is by returning your gas receipt once a month for a whole $10. Return. Meaning, for the whole $100 in free gas I would need to be a member for 10 months.

I immediately called back and went to the sales dept. Ext. Got a foreign (English 2nd language) operator, and she laid out the same scheme all over again.

By simply demanding to talk to her supervisor, for 10 minutes, of course, I was able to have her cancel my membership and even refund my $2.99 processing fee. I haven't seen the rebate yet, she stated it would take 7-10 days, but I'm keeping my eyes open for it.

I also got the operators name and a confirmation # for the transaction. With a note of the time of the call of this I feel secure.
The site I was guided to said it was from Green Valley, Nevada. I used to live in Las Vegas, actually Henderson, and this is where this branch of the company was based. That area's nickname is "Little Orange County"

Get my drift???

Company: Waka Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka networks
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network, 512-646-0035
Consumer Report