Beware... Fraud alert... Craigslist fraud... Beware


This "company" is completely fraudulant. They promise things that do not exist, reassure you of a 100% money back gaurantee if not satisfied and their phone reps have been trained very very well in deception. They dodge all questions regarding refunds.
I'm surprised the District Attorney's Office has not done anything about this scam. The owner's name is Susan Quinn and one of the top scammers in the company is "so" called John Carter & his # is 805-403-1411 in case you want to give him an ear full. Do not fall for this scam, I've warned you.

Company: Americanstandardonline
Country: USA
State: California
City: Ventura
Address: 35 West Main St
Phone: 8773951296
  <     >  


American Standard Online
American Standard Financial, Anchor House, Susan Quinn, Michael Davenport, Barbara Quinn American Standard Online (Susan Quinn) Wow... Within the last hour this company is now they are SCAMMERS COMMITTING INTERNET FRAUD!

Total Benefits
Ripoff promise of unsecured visa sends nothing keeps your money do not fall for this ripoff scam

Is a scam! Ripoff Fraud Alert! I've been scammed out of hundreds of dollars, because I believed their lies

Pmr llc
Consumer Report

Gps Usa

American Standard Online
Is a craigslist scam

Ripoff scam site SCAMMERS! FRAUD ALERT, Roberto Echevaria & Juan C Cevallos Aka Los Andes

Law Office of John Morrison
Reiki SmithScams of Federal Banking Violations, Check Fraud, & THEFT by Deception... Beware!

Benchmark Financial Aliso Viejo
Fraud, scam, credit repair fraud, lies