Consumer Report


This company is quick to sell you the items fast shipping etc... But the minute I had to return it, they did not answer any phone calls 10 made! Or any emails, I sent the product back same day as recieved was simply too large for my bathroom etc... Packed perfectly, same box, absolutely no wear at all, and tracking when shipped back to them etc. Recieved conf they recieved pkg etc yet they have not returned my emails, calls or MONEY!!!

Company: RainShowerHeads.com
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75243
Address: 11615 Forest Central Drive, Suite 300
Phone: 9724288355
Site: rainshowerheads.com
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Got my 60$ through western union for a product "illusion, " and WILL NOT respond to my e-mails!

Took money and did not send me my order

The Paws
Online pet Ventures I ordered and payed for merchandise. I have not recieved it a month later and they don't returnn calls

First Premier Bank. This Is Very Interesting
First Premier Bank This Is Very Interesting ripoff

Silverstone Wireless
Not a good company ebay

On march 08, i ordered a laptop stand for my truck. I recieved a sales reciept and ups shipping info but no product. I called ups, they said they never recieved the package. No one from auotlaptop will return my calls or emails.internet

Usuggaustralia.com, discountuggboots4xmas.com. Bought boots, received 3 confirmation emails in broken Chinease, English, a bogus tracking number and did not recieved the boots

Consumer Report

TV MarketPlace ordered micro helicopter, never recieved. No cust svc response at all www.customersystem.com

Ripoff, have made no attempt to refund money on returned items, neglected to notify me of status, no communication