USXpress Enterprises
Long Hauler Stranded Middle Of Nowhere


USXpress deliberately and with malice kicked me off the truck 900 miles from home, 300 miles from the nearest terminal, after 1.5 years of 100% on-time service, no citations, and no chargeable accidents—much of that service in the Northeast.

To be fair, I was issued a Greyhound bus authorization number for a ride to the nearest terminal. Problem though, in that there was no bus stop where I was kicked off the truck, no means to get me and my considerable gear to whatever bustop might be closest, no means to get me and my gear from the Greyhound bus terminal to the company yard, and no way to get all my gear on a Greyhound bus in any case.

I finally paid a local citizen $200 out of my own pocket to transport me and my gear to the company terminal and my personal half-ton, which I had been ordered to remove from company property.

Considering myself terminated, I loaded up my gear and drove home, not entirely saddened at leaving the company for they are indeed an arrogant, cupidious, and malicious group of people in my opinion.

Two weeks after returning home I received a letter from USXpress stating that since I'd terminated employment without notice they were unable to square settlements per "signed waiver" and owed them $98, which I hope they try to collect through legal recourse since I signed no such waiver.

The waiver? It's something new recruits are asked (pressured) to sign stating that the recruit hereby authorizes USXpress to deduct from wages just about any expenses incurred in the course of duty, including blown tires, out of route miles, fines for getting parking tickets—just about anything they could not get away with legally without that waiver.

The reason for kicking me off the truck?

I talked back. After 1.1 million miles of excellent on-time duty I know a bit about this 48-state long haul business. I must say it's my impression that USXpress western operations is barely competent in the business but accomplished at hammering drivers for managment errors along with not too subtle ploys to avoid fulfilling their part of the agreed pay package.

Do I regret talking back? Not in the least. I demand a lot of myself on the job and expect operations to do likewise. USXpress operation's sensitivity to critisism is their problem, not mine.

I do have reason to fear further retribution from this company for posting this message. Therefore the name given is assumed, although the email address supplied to the host of this page is real. I can prove each and every allegation made.

Company: USXpress Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
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USXpress Enterprises
Stranded in the Middle of Nowhere

Unfair termination

Usxpress Transportation
Usxpress more false empty promises - big fat xpress liar chattanooga

USXpress Inc
A company that tries to put you in jail because they dont know HAZMAT LAW

USXpress Inc
Arnold bankrupt us, loseing car, and place of residence because of retaliation against me and the wife

Screwing with dac reports ripoff

Usxpres nightmare-if you want to suffer on the road, and work without pay—usxpress is the right company for you! Ripoff

Usxpress Transportation
Usxpress empty promises, lies, absolutely no care for drivers. Chattanooga

Lease drivers beware - Warranty ripoffs - they take your money and dont pay it back

Ripoff dishonest practices illegal detainment