Iaziz.com panama
Consumer Report


I took part in a bid auction run by this company for an Apple 3 tablet but dropped out of the bidding before completion. I did not authorise them to charge my credit card for this transaction. Nevertheless this comany has debited my Mastercard for £189.99 without my permission and I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY GOODS OR INVOICE FOR this sum. The first Iknew about it was when I received my credit card statement this morning.

Company: Iaziz.com panama
Country: USA
State: New York
City: NY
ZIP: 10013
Address: 99 Hudson Street, 5th Floor
Phone: 3055168121
Site: viaziz.com
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Viaziz.com. Panama pan
Consumer Report

Www.viaziz.com panama $164.79
Consumer Report

Radiant Skincare Agios Dometio
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

ZIINGA PENNY AUCTIONS ask-ziinga is a penny auction site bordering on the illegal and most definitely a scam. First off in order to bid on merchandise, you have to buy bids

I have just received my credit card statement with this transaction
Consumer Report

False charges appearing on two month's worth of credit card statements

Consumer Report

Full Blessing Suzhou, Wonderful Imagination Suzhou
Consumer Report

MMV MediaMatic
Consumer Report