Consumer Report


I joined this program on the 12/01. The deal was to purchase advertising units at a cost of $11.00 per unit plus tax in USD, I purchased 66 units. The more units you purchase the more money you should make! Things were ok in the beginning but very, very little compensation ever came my way. This online business claimed that you could turn $30.00 into $10,000. They also claim that they were not an investment company, What else were they? The cost for each additional position in CR 1 Matrix is $30 USD, I purchased 3 of these. When you complete a CR 1 Matrix, you receive the following:
•$150 commissions for completing the CR 1 Matrix
•1 re-entry back into CR 1 Matrix
•1 entry into CR 2 Matrix
"Not at all true, this has never happened"

Hang on to your hats for the SPEEDIEST Cycler around! It just takes 2 to trigger your Massive Turbo Cycling Adventure.

•Purchase one (or more) Turbo Advertising Packages for a ONE-TIME $35.00 each, USD. "I purchased 2 of these and nothing ever happened"

In June they went offline and could not be contacted and always stated that if any member asked for their money back that they would close their account! I did contact them about not being able to find their site anywhere online and here is what I asked and the bullshit story that they come back with:


I been trying to find your web page for over a month now
from previous communications that we have had and all I have been getting is that the web page and server cannot be found. Also, that there was no cache page to be found, what happened to you site in all this time period?
I went and searched Google last evening and type in "is Ricochetriches.com a scam" and found many links to this question. However, I clicked on one link and "Bang"there was your site that I have invested my money into. Why has this company never sent any type of communication
to me and informed me of what was taken place and/or what's going on? None, of the links to your site that I have in my email account work to get to your web page. Please, help me out here and explain?

Ray Young

Their response: Ray

Easy explanation is that we've had DDOS attacks in the midst of trying to get rid of fake accounts and people actually "scamming us" out of money. (Yes, it happens, and when it does, we have to take measures) -

We are back up, and running, working on some things still, but do not expect any more attacks (hopefully) as we have installed some software to stop that.

Hope this helps and understandable that people yell "scam" when this happens. But its not a scam, we are working our way out of internet issues, and finally have our www working for referral links.

Here is another question that I asked:
I received your last answer to my ticket, which was a problem with "DDOS Attacks". My last communication with Ricochetriches before this one was on June 1 concerning a purchased "Income booster" and you answered, "Quote":"Your advertising purchases (including those givien with the IB) are still operational and being displayed ensuring that you are still getting all the guaranteed elements of the program even while the other features are paused while being renovated". I checked my account at that time and the amount has not changed up to this point! How do you explain your answer on June 1 and my account level being the same to your explanation to my support ticket on July 23? You need to adjust my account and "say what you mean and mean what you say"!

Ray Young

Here is there answer:
Of course the amount has not changed, everything OTHER than the advertsing is on hold.

We do not need to adjust anything. You have your ads, thats what you purchased and thats what has been added and that is all that will be added until we have finished the renovations as explained in the last support ticket.

Let me repeat and please read again carefully...

"Your advertising purchases (including those givin with the IB) are still operational and being displayed ensuring that you are still getting all the guaranteed elements of the program even while the other features are paused while being renovated"

So we do say what we mean and we also mean what we say. Which bit of what we have said are you having so much trouble understanding?

Please, if you can help me recope some of the money that I have lost due to this Scam/Hoax.

Ray Young

Company: Ricochetriches.com
Country: USA
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