SMU Center for Family Counseling
Discrimination, Undue Distress, and Misfeasance


I believe I was discriminated against by the very unprofessional director named Dr. Sarah Feuerbacher, Ph. D., LCSW-S because I went to the SMU Center for Family Counseling located in Plano, Texas (5228 Tennyson Parkway) for grief, anxiety, and stress counseling which is what they claim to specialize in on their website but I was coldly denied those services. I also documented those facts in the in-take forms in regard to grief, anxiety, and stress. When I confronted the director Dr. Feuerbacher about why I was denied counseling she was very evasive and stated flippantly and rudely: "You will need more than 15 sessions. It will be a hassle for you to change counselors after your 15 sessions".

Her pretexts (false reasons) are not believable. Dr. Feuerbacher did not refer me to a "qualified specialist" like she claimed to do and she did not address any particular serious and objective issues that she thought were problematic (more examples of misfeasance and nonfeasance). So I believe that I was denied services for discriminatory and bigoted reasons that caused me undue distress. It's important to consider the facts that I am not in a crisis; I do not have bipolar; and I do not need psychiatric care (this is obvious since I am here typing a coherent complaint and Dr. Feuerbacher herself did not refer me to psychiatric care).

These unprofessional people at SMU Center For Family Counseling are liars (they lie via strawman arguments, red herrings, exaggerations, half-truths, and implications) and they aren't very good at it either. Anybody with basic logic and reasoning can see what these bigots are doing. White supremacy is a huge social dilemma in North America; however, there are great civil rights attorneys and leaders who are willing to correct that. It's also important for all forms of counseling malpractice (malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance) to be exposed on

More reasons why I believe that I experienced misfeasance, bait and switch advertising, and discriminatory customer service at SMU Center for Family Counseling is because I personally experienced degenerate, prejudiced, and passive-aggressive customer service from these uncooperative, dishonest, bigoted, and brusque professionals (I wouldn't even refer to these low
standard poseurs as professionals though). As an ethnic minority (U.S. Citizen) I was offended by their prejudiced, degenerate, uncaring, insensitive, passive-aggressive, and low standard performances and biases (demonstrated insidiously).

Passive aggressive employees are usually obstructionists who prefer to withhold help and shun those who need help. Sadly, in my experiences I believe that was the case at SMU Center for Family Counseling. Neither the director (S.F.) or any of the other employees demonstrated any type of applicable knowledge to me that they claim to possess on their website.

I do not recommend this establishment to anyone seriously considering ethical counseling or professionalism. I was mislead several times over the telephone by the softly spoken front desk secretary and the other curt employees who answered the phone. I was mislead because I was not helped at all in any type of professional manner during or after my intake/psychosocial assessment/screening. Even though my concerns were strictly with anxiety, stress, and grief the manipulative employees at SMU Center for Family Counseling kept insinuating that I was bad.

Like I reported earlier they made it clear with rude insinuations that they do not help those who are bipolar or those in need of psychiatric care or those in a crisis (sounds despicably selfish if you ask me). I was puzzled on why they snarled those retorts at me when they knew absolutely nothing about me (this is direct evidence of prejudice and discrimination). The facts that I needed help with anxiety, stress, and grief was documented in my intake forms; however, my concerns went completed ignored by Allison O, Dr. Feuerbacher, and Misty Solt. (Evidence of nonfeasance).

Strangely enough half-way through my intake/assessment/screening the counselor trainee named Allison O. Bombarded me with loaded questions that fixated on morbid subjects as if to insinuate that I'm an atrocious criminal. That was a very offensive effort to create a pretext (false reason) so they wouldn't have to provide me with adequate services (15 counseling sessions): in my viewpoint their behavior is not only blatant misfeasance but it's very much discrimination, too which caused me undue distress. Let's consider that their loyalty is supposed to be in assisting and helping the citizens of the local community who come to their office.

In my experiences with SMU Center for Family Counseling they did not follow their own mission statement that can be found on their own website: http://smu. Edu/education/counseling/FamilyCounselingCenter/mission.Asp. SMU Center for Family Counseling Mission: "To deliver developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive counseling services for families, couples, adults, adolescents, and children undergoing varying life circumstances, while providing SMU graduate counseling students with meaningful training experience via supervised therapeutic interactions. Counseling services are designed to assist individuals and groups seeking to enhance their overall life functioning, interpersonal relationships, self understanding, and career satisfaction for optimal well being."

In addition to that the so-called director (S.F.) was uncooperative, short with words, snide, selfish, and extremely insensitive to my concerns. She had absolutely no interest and a callous dismissiveness in regard to solving problems or providing useful advice. S.F. Does not come across as a skilled professional social worker or a psychologist let alone an adequate supervisor. S.F. Responds to questions in a snide, brusque, and arrogant manner which I find to be totally worthless. I'm wondering how such a snide person became licensed in the state of Texas. Her behaviors and attitudes seemed so hypocritical and narcissistic, at least in my experiences with her at this atrocious SMU establishment. This harmful experience doesn't reflect on my character this reflects on their lack of morals and perhaps on their profound emotional problems. They need to be very cautious in the future to not cause psychiatric injury which is a tort that they can be sued for.

Furthermore, the SMU Center for Family Counseling's website has this information which was completely contradictory to my own experiences with them. This really comes across as bait and switch advertising according to my experiences with them considering I needed help with stress and anxiety:

"When life seems difficult and you need a safe, confidential place to go, counseling may be the avenue to pursue... And we are here to help. The following list includes just some of the many issues that are commonly presented by individuals seeking counseling.

Behavior (opposition, defiance, aggression)
Grief/Loss (divorce, death, moving)
Peer Relationships
Relations (family, couple, etc.)

In conclusion I do not recommend SMU Center for Family Counseling in Plano, Texas. If you personally encounter severe problems, malpractice, or torts with them then you can always take it up with the ACLU, licensing boards (1-800-942-5540), the local media, civil rights attorney Domingo Garcia, etc.

Company: SMU Center for Family Counseling
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Address: 5228 Tennyson Parkway
Phone: 9724733456
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