WRES Ic Enterprise E-mail
Chief Executive "Vicktor Klumbich" Got an email that promices high paying job, Warsaw, poland


This is what the email entails:

Worldwide Electronic Rush Shipper incorporated is based in Poland. The company customers purchase products online using our service (a lot of European customers make orders at US online stores since the a lot of electronics is almost two times cheaper in United States). Your duty is to receive and forward packages from mostly FedEx and UPS to USPS local post office using the instructions and materials that we provide. Company provides international dispatch and guarantees along with FedEx and UPS discounts. There are no investments from the courier employee, company provides all the needed facilities. Starting salary is $60 per each received and sent package ($1500 is minimum monthly paid amount which does not depend on the amount of work you have, also the salary can be bigger). Salary is paid each 30 days since the moment you have received the first package. We are looking forward to see you among our employees. The contract agreement is attached and is needed to be filled and sent back to our email address. Also, email us the following information to get started-full name-DOB-correct shipping (street) address-your phone number (better if several)

First off, they want you to ship packages for them (per tax quarter) for 1,500 a month on quarter one, 2,000 a month for quarter 2.2,500 a month for quarter 3, and 3,000 a month for quarter 4. The purpose of said job is to ship packages for them, then get a check in the mail.

Also comes with attachment for "Employment Agreement for Exchange Operations Department Employee" form that they want you to fill out. The company, WRES Inc Enterprise does exist, however, the ceo is not Viktor Klumbich like the Employment Agreement states, the license number 000084942, is not valid, and the address in Poland isn't a real address.

Quote from Employment Agreement "Business operations can be made only after providing to the Enterprise by Employee several telephone numbers of his relatives, friends, work phones. Telephone verification is necessary. This is needed for that the enterprize could reach the Employee in case of any force-major.

I would hate to have this companies lawyer for my contracts. He/she doesn't know the basics of grammar. Not that I have perfect grammar, and spelling issues can arise, but seriously?

Doesn't check out, never applied for this job, just got the email out of the blue. Don't do anything for these people, because if it sounds to good to be true, more likely then most, it sure is.

Company: WRES Ic Enterprise E-mail
Country: USA
Address: 00190 64 Ksiecia Janusza St., 01-452
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