Cambstrah Associates Solicitors & Legal Consultants
Consumer Report


We received a letter claiming that there is a vault left by someone with the same last name who was killed during Hurricane Katrina. The vault contained $11.4 million. If we replied, this "solicitor" would then be able to claim the funds: we would get $5.2 million & he would get $6.2 million. Very suspicious letter.

Company: Cambstrah Associates Solicitors & Legal Consultants
Country: USA
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Multix Associates Solicitors, Legal Consultants Madrid Spain
Consumer Report

Cambstrah Associates & Legal Consultants
Consumer Report

Multix Associates Solicitors, Legal Consultants Madrid Spain
Consumer Report

Cambstrah Associates, solictors and legal consultants
Consumer Report

Cambstrah Associates & Legal Consultants
Consumer Report

Cambstrah Associates & Legal Consultants
Consumer Report

Cambstrah Associates & Legal Consultants
Consumer Report

Cambstrah Associates & Legal Consultants
Consumer Report

Cambstrah Associates & Legal Consultants
Consumer Report

Multix Associates Solicitors, Legal Consultants Madrid Spain
Consumer Report