Harvard Benefits
Consumer Report


I received an email from Melissa Sarna who informed me that Charles Fields would be speaking on a conference call number to discuss this business opportunity. He spoke to "14 of us" in a very monotone fashion, all of us being put on mute. He bloviated for some time about Kroll Fraud Solutions, Harvard Benefits and some other companies that have little or no relevance to who I'm supposed to recruit.

The kicker came at the end of this 20 minute waste of time: YOU HAVE TO PAY THIS COMPANY MONTHLY to sell it, providing an extremely weak explanation that it provides credibility. No credible company requires you to buy their product (a monthly charge, no less, it's not a one time fee) before you sell it - that's a pyramid scheme at best, a total fraud at worst.

STAY AWAY from anyone from Harvard Benefits, they are a complete waste of time, and are preying on desperate, honest, unemployed people looking to make some extra money. What is quite transparent they are doing is subjugating you as some sort of "exclusive offer" people are clamoring to be a part of. Nonsense. They make absurd claims like, "You'll make back the $40/mo with your first sale." - meaning most people will never "sell" or obtain one recruit (assuming it's extremely difficult) and they take your money in the process. Total and utter garbage.

Company: Harvard Benefits
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75240
Address: Three Galleria Tower, 13155 Noel Road, Suite 900
Phone: 9315372230, 7605697676
Site: harvardbenefits.com
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Harvard Benefits
Consumer Report

Harvard Benefits
Consumer Report

Harvard Benefits
Consumer Report

Harvard Benefits
Consumer Report

Jennifer Peters (Harvard Benefits)
Consumer Report

Harvard Benefits
Consumer Report

Harvard Risk Management
Fake part-time job listed on Craig's List

Harvard Risk Management
Harvard Risk Management is an absolute SHAM - Job seekers beware

St. Croix Concepts
Pyramid scheme, scam, part of cydcor, huge scam, stay away!

Harvard Technology