Dtac company
Consumer Report


I recieved a tex from this company stating that i won $1000000.00 dollars and i suppose to send my name and m the name of my country to redeem my gift but what's up with that is this something that is real or people having nothing to do.

Company: Dtac company
Country: USA
State: Bangkok
City: Ladyao Chatuchak
ZIP: 10900
Address: 333/3 Chai bldg., Vibhavadeerangsit Rd
Phone: 6622028000
Site: dtac.co.th
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Dtac Company LTD
Consumer Report

Dtac Telecom Company Ltd Thailand
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Dtac Company LTD
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Dtac company
Consumer Report

$1000000. Oo us from a int'l mobile draw from the dtac company
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

I also received this text message: Congrats, Your mobile number has awarded 1, 000, 000 US Dollars from Int'l Mobile Draw DTAC COMPANY, TO CLAIM email your NAME & COUNTRY to: dtac@dtaccompany.com Complaint 150577 for $1, 000, 000.00
Consumer Report

Dtac Company LTD
Consumer Report