Another zbiddy victim added to the batch


Well, This is what happens when you do not check out internet sites on usacomplaints. Coms before you do any transactions. I even have usacomplaints.com icon on my desk top and failed to use it. My mistake, I also was tricked into a fraudulent $99.00 charge on my debit card, I called and asked for a refund and was diverted over and over and offered everything I didn't want, also, it is next to impossibe to log in on their listing on google, all you get is their promo, they also say they offer joining as low as $12.50 which I thought I was getting but it automatcally took out $99.00 they also told me 75% of my money will be refunded. They also told me I would receive a $100.00 restaurant card, and a hundred dollar credit on my zbiddy acount. However after checking it out there are only a couple restaurants available in my area and they were in the next town. So I thought I would try to redeem their $100.00 voucher with their internet partners for the meat but the meat was so expensive the money alloted for one month ($50.00 is all you can use at one time of the hundred dollar voucher) which they failed to tell me at the time while pursuading me not to cancel wasn't enough to buy anything from them. I will take the advice of the founder of usacomplaints.com and try to stop payment the next business day, tomorrow, I also feel as though they will do everything in their power not to just refund the money. I will not wait as some others have until it is to late to do anything and I hope the authorities step in here pretty soon and force them to return the money to those they ripped off.

Company: ZBIDDY.com
Country: USA
Site: zbiddy.com
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Zbiddy over charded my debit card, tried for 3-month's to get my money back, no money refunded, no gas voucher. Zbiddy is a ripp off. They need to be taken out of bisiness for ripping people off

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Incident Occurred Around 1/15

Charged Debit Card without Authorization


$99 charge on my monthly statement from zbiddy

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Consumer Report