Broadband and Internet companies
Consumer Report


Why is it that there are so many computers and applications that can allow us to watch movies online, download games and apps but the megabytes and gigabytes that companies provide us are so low? When 'unlimited' means being capped at around 250-500 megabytes. I think this is all rather unfair, what is the point of having all these new gadgets but being unable to use them to their full potential. Something needs to be done as paying high costs each month but for such little usage is ridiculous. Nowadays we don't just use the internet for e-mails or surfing, its for games, movies, apps, and remaining at around 250 megabytes to 15 gigabytes is rather odd.

Company: Broadband and Internet companies
Country: USA
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Verizon - Verizon Wireless
Lies About Broadband Available Usage

T - Mobile
T-MOBILE USB STICK is a lot more than they tell you up front

MEGABYTES - Cellphone and Plan

Breach of Contract

Mp3music 2y
Mp3music2y ripoff They gave false avertisement of unlimited download of music, movies and games

Advanced Cable
Cable Communications Quality of service sucks! Complete Rip-off and Waste of time!

Mp3- downloadcity - Clickbank - Keynetics
Mp3downloadcity Clickbank Keynetics ripoff I paid 24.95 for unlimited downloads, games, movies and music. I'm unable to recieve downloads. San Jose

Lied about Internet Download Limits

Musicmoviesbooks and internet movies
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business they said that you can download movies online liars