Consumer Report


This company is charging people for things they never subscribed for. I have no idea how they got my debit card number. They have NO usable information about their location/address/contact info. I have no idea of what they do or any service they provide. My debit card statement indicates it is located in Kansas, and the phone number is disconnected.

Company: G247Help.com
Country: USA
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Skypewww.skype.com Skype charged my debit account and I have never heard of them, don't know how they got my debit card number. Skype Online Internet

Consumer Report

Comm-services Llc
This company went in and took 9.95 out of my bamk account. I have never heard of them and have no idea how they got my debit card number. When you try to call the, all you get is an answering service

Vesta AT&T
ATM Debit card / ID theft at this location $103.00

WQ Long Distance
Ripoff fraudulant billing on debit card London

Consumer Report

Brenda and Associates
Fraudulent Debit Card Withdrawl

TLG Fun on line
I was reviewing my debit card statement and realized that this TLG fun was receiving $16.99 twice a month on my card

Using a stolen credit card number? Ripoff

Bellaplex Stole Credit Card Information, Charged Fraudulently