Consumer Report


We got a phone call asking for Michael (my husband's name) saying that they received a Windows error message (my husband was on his computer at the time) and they could fix. Anyway after lenghthy discussion, they took control of the computer, fixed errors (apparently) and charged us for anti-virus software. The same # appeared on our call display yesterday, but when we called that # it was listed as disconnected. So today they called and asked for Michael again, same excuse, error messages. I asked many questions that she could not answer, like what city was she calling from, which computer she was calling about, the name of the company. She eventually devulged the company was New York Delivery, in New York City, New York. She only hesitantly devulged this after I asked her if she was in India (obvious accent) I'm not sure she even knew that New York was a city. When I asked for a # I could call her back on she said yes and hung up. So we are trying to cancel our Visa charge and want to know where to complain.

Company: 325-625-4189
Country: USA
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The Windows Solution Scam
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The windows solution
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Consumer Report