Dead Sea Kit
Consumer Report


You charged my account unauthorized for a payment of 89.95 on 7/7. I want my money refunded asap. If not your going to have huge problems. 5.95? For shipping and handling only? This is a scandal!!!

Company: Dead Sea Kit
Country: USA
City: London
Address: 788 - 790 Finchley Road
Phone: 44107800556, 01144107800556
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Max Colon
Unauthorized billing

Extreme Acai Berry
Unauthorized charges

Ivory White
Charged me for full price of product when it was a free trial and all i had to pay was shipping and handling. Then I called their customer service and they only refunded $45 of $127 cause they charged

Hidden handling charges

Hidden handling fees

Carleton Sheets
They have charged me over $279 for the supposed payments & Shipping! Did not know banks charge shipping and handling for a direct payment! Ripoff

Emerald Lux - charged our account $114.95 - UNAUTHORIZED! What a scam. They KNOW that is looks like you're only spending $4.95 for shipping and handling for a trial of an electric cigarette. They are RIPPING OFF innocent people
Consumer Report

Unauthorized withdrawl from my credit card

Steady Income Secrets, Michael Jones
Outrageous Shipping & Handling Fees for a set of DVDs! Online

Natural Health Network
Consumer Report