Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report


Looking for personal loan, never heard of this group, somehow got my bank info and withdrew $30.00 from my account without any indication or money from this company. They had the guts to say they did lend us money, thats funny did not get a penny, so i think it went to mars, because it didn't end up in our account. Just helping their selves scamming folks out of hard earned money. I hope it all turns sour on them real soon and ends. Not to be trusted at all... Like to get a refund, but who knows? Nedd help with this big scam gamer... They need to pay up. One way or another...

Company: Palm Loan Advances
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89146
Address: 2780 S. Jones Blvd
Phone: 8667893114
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Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report